Nine out of 10 women were never educated about the menopause

The menopause can be hugely ­disruptive and damaging for women and their families, and cause issues with their work life too – yet there is still a ­frightening lack of information about what people should expect.

In 2019, the Department for ­Education made it mandatory for menopause to be included in the school curriculum. But as it stands, 90% of postmenopausal women never had a lesson about the menopause.

Furthermore, 60% of women only started looking for information about it once their symptoms had started.

These shocking statistics have been revealed in a UCL-led study, where data was collected from 829 ­postmenopausal women.

Half of them felt completely ­uninformed about the menopause, with six in 10 finding it either difficult or very difficult. Some women described their experiences as a “nightmare” and “awful”.

Many had no idea what they would be dealing with, having only heard of night sweats and hot flushes.

I find this appalling.

The menopause book I wrote in 1994 was an attempt to help women get better informed, understand ­symptoms, become familiar with ­treatment options and ­exercise choices, and form positive ­attitudes to the menopause.

But nothing has changed.

Professor Joyce Harper, at UCL EGA Institute of Women’s Health, said: “The data shows that women have a lack of education about this key life stage.

“Together with a reported lack of education from their healthcare professionals, women may be left undiagnosed and unsupported.

“We need to ensure that all health professionals have menopause training so they can give women ­information on managing their ­symptoms and well-being.

“Most importantly, we should give women hope that life post-menopause can be a fruitful and exciting time.” The menopause literally means the cessation of menstruation due to plummeting oestrogen levels, ­generally anywhere between the ages of 45 and 55. This sudden withdrawal of oestrogen can result in hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings and symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia and loss of sex drive.

Unsurprisingly, it can damage both a woman’s view of herself and her home and working life.

The number of women aged 45 and older in the UK is on an upwards trajectory. It’s estimated there are 13million perimenopausal or ­menopausal women, equating to around one-third of the entire female population. Why aren’t we serving them better?

Why are the majority of women still getting their information from social media (33.1%) and friends (49.8%) and not turning to health professionals and ­official websites?

For heaven’s sake let’s use the ­findings of this survey to help explore the issue and to help deliver better education more effectively.