During Covid, some patients seemed to have a better response to vaccination than others and we never knew why. Well, Cambridge scientists have now identified a “signature” in blood that could help predict how well someone will be protected by vaccines. The discovery may explain … Read More
Exercise could be best prescription for good health and stop things going wrong
For years, I’ve been convinced that exercise is the key to good health and longevity. It keeps all our systems up to scratch and, as a useful side effect, prevents things going wrong. For instance, if you exercise every day, … Read More
One fifth of women will get pregnant naturally after having an IVF baby
When a couple have difficulty conceiving a baby and decide to try IVF, the natural assumption is that they will be unable to conceive naturally in the future. This is wrong, as research shows around one in five women who need fertility treatment … Read More
Some people can eat a full meal and still feel hungry – this is why
Eating, feeling satisfied, stopping eating and not overeating, all involve quite a dance between the stomach and the brain. And it’s the messages from the stomach to the brain that makes us stop eating. But this stomach/brain messaging service breaks … Read More
Many victims of sexual harassment don’t report it – because priorities differ
Shocking as it might seem, people who are sexually harassed often don’t report it. In fact, five out of six people who are the target of sexual offences don’t go to the police, the Crime Survey England and Wales found. … Read More
Women are choosing to have children later regardless of their education levels
Discussions around dropping birth rates used to focus on sperm count and fertility levels as though that was the only factor in the equation. But as an Oxford University study reveals, the potency of a man’s sperm is probably far from being … Read More
University creates custom-built ‘smart’ cells to fight disease and repair injuries
Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells which are about a thousandth of a millimetre in size and are the fundamental units of all life. They contain ‘skeletons’ made of proteins that provide structural support, help the cell move, and transport materials … Read More
I’ve been wrong about vitamin supplements… study shows they improve memory
Today I’ll nail my colours to the mast: I’m not a fan of vitamin supplements. I think vitamins should be taken in foods. But I may have to eat my words because a large study from US Universities Columbia and Harvard suggests that taking a daily … Read More
Alcohol warning as regular use can lead to gout, cataract and ulcers
We know that alcohol is a poison, so we shouldn’t be surprised that it increases the risk of over 60 diseases, including many not thought to be linked to alcohol. Oxford University research has now extended the range of diseases … Read More
New drugs could burn off excess fat and lead to obesity treatments to control diabetes
There’s a race going on to find treatments for obesity and related diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Researchers at the University of East Anglia and the University of Cambridge are at the head of it. We have two kinds of fat … Read More
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