We know from TV ads that it’s a simple matter to get insurance cover for a holiday abroad if you have medical conditions. But what can you do yourself to keep yourself safe? There are several aspects to this including your medication, your … Read More
Lift the ban on boys having the HPV jab
Medical practice is full of sexual bias with women often being downgraded. One of those areas is the human papillomavirus vaccination. This is given to girls around age 12 to prevent the infection which is known to cause cervical cancer. … Read More
You should get basic medicines at a chemist.. not on a free NHS prescription
As someone who believes free medicine is a basic human right, I never thought I’d say this but the NHS is being swamped by patients wanting their every whim satisfied with free drugs, often available over the counter at any … Read More
Be thankful for your body’s early warning system and take note of symptoms
Many medical conditions have ‘prodromes’, warning signs that something is going to happen, usually something not very nice. For instance, if you suffer from cold sores, caused by the herpes virus, you’ll be familiar with its classical prodrome – soreness and … Read More
Ingenious plan for paramedics to give out prescriptions is just what the doctor ordered
The role of a paramedic is a fantastic one and I’m eternally grateful to the 28-year-old Kiwi medic who gave me a drug to stop my heart fibrillating outside on the steps of my flat. So I’m wholeheartedly behind an … Read More
Dogs can diagnose cancer by its smell – yes, pretty amazing
Dogs are turning out to be an even better friend to man than we could have imagined. They can spot cancer early, even before symptoms appear, through their magnificently sensitive noses. Yes, pretty amazing. Now, for the first time, a … Read More
It only takes small steps to improve your health
You are probably sick to death of being told to stop being a couch potato and to get off that sofa. Don’t feel inclined? Well, some new research may be the motivation you need. Liverpool researchers have found that it … Read More
A knock to the head can lead to dementia
My views on the dangers of blows to the head have made it into print several times, especially as practised in boxing and heading the ball in football. I’ve even gone as far as calling for a ban on boxing. … Read More
‘Breastfeeding Friend’ chatbot gives 24/7 help to new mothers and their babies
The sad truth is fewer than half of babies in England are being breastfed at six to eight weeks. A new survey of 1,000 mothers reveals nearly two-thirds believe access to 24/7 breastfeeding support would help new mums to have … Read More
Hope for sufferers of never-ending cystitis
There’s cystitis and then there’s cystitis. The usual one-off attack leads to pain on passing urine, feeling a sense of urgency to empty your bladder, off colour, off food, sometimes a temperature. And it clears up by drinking a lot … Read More
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