At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, when we knew precious little about the virus, the standard message was most people recover from mild infections in two weeks and serious ones in three.
This is clearly not true. NHS England has estimated nearly half of hospital patients need ongoing support.
Their symptoms vary so much over a huge range of intensity and duration that many people feel they’re not being believed and are not getting the support they need.
A team of researchers and doctors have reported long Covid doesn’t easily fit into a single syndrome. They describe at least three: post-intensive care syndrome, post-viral fatigue syndrome and long-term Covid syndrome, which each have their own set of symptoms.
For people still suffering symptoms beyond three weeks, the common denominator is profound fatigue.
However, there are so many symptoms being reported that doctors are cautious to attribute them to a single cause, meaning people find getting help is difficult.
Professor Tim Spector of King’s College London knows more about this than most from his Covid Symptom Study.
He’s identified six clusters of symptoms, two of which are associated with longer-term symptoms, indicating a possible way of predicting early on what might occur later. “If you’ve got a persistent cough, hoarse voice, headache, diarrhoea, are skipping meals, and have shortness of breath in the first week, you are two to three times more likely to get longer-term symptoms,” he said.
Turns out long Covid is about twice as common in women, and age is a factor too.
But Spector added: “We seem to be getting different symptom clusters in different ages, so it could be there is a different type in younger people compared with the over-65s.
“As we get more data we should be able to break it into these groups and work out what is going on, which could help us get early interventions for at-risk groups.”
Nisreen Alwan, who has long Covid, said in the BMJ: “You learn your patterns, learn what brings on utter exhaustion or the other symptoms, and try to avoid those things.”
She adds a wide range of other symptoms including breathlessness, a cough, muscle and body aches, and chest heaviness or pressure, but also skin rashes, palpitations, headache, fever, diarrhoea, and pins and needles.
“A common feature is the relapsing nature of the illness, you feel you’ve recovered, then it hits back,” she said.